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My goal:
The end of the glass ceiling

As long as women are not involved in our society in equal proportions, with the same rights and the same demands, there will always be a gap. 


At least 35% female managers are needed

Latest studies showen that changes in the corporate climate only become clear when the proportion of female managers reaches 35%. Unfortunately, however, most women leave the company after just 90 days, resulting in high investment and frustration for both them and the company.


Women want sparring, not good tips

In order to retain talented top managers in the long term, only a few but extremely effective solutions are required. I know the challenges both from a business perspective and from the perspective of female professionals.


As a sparring partner, I bring fresh approaches to established structures to open doors for women in leadership positions and for companies that want to be sustainable.

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Treffen zum Unternehmenskonzept

About Me.

For my daughter. Who should raise up in a different world.


As an experienced management consultant, former top manager  and business psychologist, with HeartBrain Consulting, I combined my knowledge and passion for female leadership and visionaire consulting approaches.


For those who are wondering. The straightforwardness in my career: 

My career began in the fascinating world of beauty. As a master hairdresser and international make-up artist, I have learned not only to transform people's appearance, but also to gain profound insights into their personality. Reading and understanding people became one of my greatest strengths, which I still use in my consulting approach to this day. And this is exactly where everything comes together. 


In my second career, my path led me to C-Level International, where I gained valuable experience in the business world and learned first-hand the importance of effective leadership. It was particularly important to me not only to promote female leaders, but also to establish their role in the company, open up internal networks and create decentralized connections.



With HeartBrain Consulting, I have brought together the best of my experiences and stand for an inclusive and equal global economy.

My goal is to retain top female executives, establish their perspective economically and accompany companies on their way to equal sustainability. The benefits of female leadership are obvious. Right now, practical consulting approaches are needed to harness the power of change for everyone.

My advice is based on a combination of analytical thinking, intuitive feeling and psychological expertise for sustainable success.



I am firmly convinced that companies that focus on female leadership and apply practical consulting approaches can achieve the desired future viability and sustainable success.

Let's tackle the challenges together and put you as a top manager or your company on an innovative and promising course.



I look forward to accompanying you on your journey.

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